
Web Designer,gamer,hooper

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Recent Projects


Developed a full-stack social media app inspired by twitter using React, Material UI, Tailwind CSS, Redux, and Formik for the frontend, and Spring Boot, MySQL, Spring Security, and JWT for the backend. Implemented various functionalities such as user authentication through JWT and Google accounts, State Management with Redux toolkit, Razorpay Payment Gateway Integration, Media Handling using Cloudinary. Incorporated Basic Functionalities including creating howls with images and videos, user search, and core Twitter functionalities such as likes, replies, retweets, and user details editing.

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Library Cards

In a nutshell, Library Cards is a tracker of all the books borrowed from the library which keeps track of all the books that the user has taken from the library. It keeps track of the reading status and the date it was taken. When the user hovers over the book "cards" the cards perform a simple yet cool animations and reveals the details about the book. When the new books are added,they lay themselves out in a neat way on the website. Lessons : Prototypal Inheritance and Module Pattern.

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Grid Attack

Grid Attack is a project based on the game Etch-a-Sketch where users can make pixelated art by filling a grid with different types of colors. Thi project also has applications in deasigning where users can quickly create a simple mockup of their ideas and then later on expand it with a proper design tool. Main takeaways from this project - using javascript to dynamically render html elements in the form of grids.

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